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Oh what steadfast love the Father has lavished on us that we might be called his daughters! -1 John 1:3

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2018 Guest Speakers

Ollivia Brown



Ollivia and her beloved, Les, have been married for 35 years.  Les and Ollivia have two spiritual sons, nephews Robert and Dillan.  Ollivia is an army brat and was saved by God’s Grace at the age of twelve.  She has a deep love for youth and has been serving in the Youth Ministry for over 15 years.  She also serves in the Children’s Ministry, disciples young ladies, and is a fervent prayer warrior.  She is passionate about the power of prayer, God’s Word, and missions.  She works for GCSP, Inc. and is blessed to be able to do so from her home office.  And she loves Jesus – ‘nough said.

Mary Francis Bowley


CEO Wellspring Living

Mary Frances Bowley is the Founder and Executive Director of Wellspring Living, an organization fighting childhood sexual abuse and exploitation since 2001. She is a leader in bringing the fight against child sex-trafficking to Atlanta and is a founding member of the Georgia Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force.
Mary Frances was appointed to the Governor’s Commission on Domestic Violence in 2010.  She was awarded the Martin Luther King Community Service Award and the AKA Humanitarian Award.  She is also the author of three books, ‘A League of Dangerous Women’ , ‘The White Umbrella’, and her latest book, ‘Make It Zero’ . Mary Frances resides in Peachtree City with her husband, Dick and dog Nugget.  She has 2 sons, 3 grandsons and a granddaughter.

Kayla Gentry

Kayla & Joel

CEO of Cotton & Rosemary

Kayla Gentry is the CEO of Cotton & Rosemary.

Lauren Mitchell


Speaker & Author: "A Love That Conquers" and "Steadfast"

​Lauren Mitchell is a wife and mother who lives in Georgia. She encourages women to understand prayer in a deeper way through journaling, specifically God's word. Having seen firsthand how prayer changes a life, her passion is sharing this with others. She also enjoys chasing her three children, swimming, camping, four-wheeling, and chasing their dog Dixie. Lauren loves encouraging women to learn more about God's heart for themselves through His word. She actively speaks to target audiences about her love for the lost art of prayer and how to live a Spirit filled life, including area church events, retreats, and women’s ministry events. Lauren’s books include: Steadfast: A Study in the Prayer that made David’s Whole Heart Trust in a Steadfast God; A Love that Conquers; and Things Pondered from a Mother’s Heart.

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We aren't going to give casual worship to a God of such beauty & grace. -Louie Giglio

Meet the ladies who pour countless hours of time and prayer into being vessels to be used by Christ for his glory through Lavish. Each comes with beautiful strengths that are used in unique ways. Each of them lives a life that points to Jesus. God is using their stories to show each of us how he uses broken situations as a breeding ground for redemption and his ultimate glory.

Rachel & Matt

Rachel Ennis

Leadership Team

Hi there! My name is Rachel Ennis, one of the leaders of Lavish, and would like to thank ya for stopping by!
I am married to my darling husband, Matt, of four years. We currently do not have any children, but we pray in the near future the Lord will bless us with little babies filling our hearts and home.
My family and friends play a major role in my life and I am thankful to the good Lord for blessing me with them. My current job is a part time Reading EIP teacher at a wonderful elementary school. By the grace of God,  I graduate in May with my Masters in School Counseling, and I am in my last internship at a middle school, which I absolutely love. Some things I enjoy include traveling, a good cup of coffee, blaring worship music (especially Bethel and Hillsong), enjoying nature, and eating all things chocolate! 
My greatest passion and pursuit is knowing my Savior more. My heart's desire is that Jesus would be made known to many and I am praying this blog may be used as a tool to do just that. I personally know that without God I am nothing and I surely wouldn't be the lady I am today if it weren't for the Lord's sufficient grace, love, and mercy that he has so lavishly extended upon my life. I am asking the Lord to use the things in this blog to help other women better navigate the different seasons of life as Christ would have us to. My challenge to myself  and others is to live a life worthy of the gospel just as Paul encouraged the Church in Philippians 1:27.

"Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel" Philippians 1:27


Megan Eagleson

Leadership Team

Hello Friends!! My name is Megan Eagleson. I am currently a supervisor at Chick-fil-A and I am incredibly thankful for how much growth I have experienced through becoming a leader for this company. I work part time, while I am in school full time getting a dual certification in Special Education and General Education. I hope to teach elementary school one day. I want to help children grow into productive people, that recognize their abilities and have confidence in themselves. I have a pup named Ellie and I am obsessed with her floppy ears. Reading has become one of my favorite “hobbies” this past year and it's amazing (never thought I would say that). I am overjoyed about this bible study beginning again. There is something beautiful about studying scripture with people that you do life with. Sharing your struggles and realizing, we are not alone. We get to join together and encourage each other in the fight against the lies of the enemy. My prayer for this bible study is that we will all rightfully put Jesus first. We will recognize that time in scripture or prayer is infinitely more beneficial than an hour on Instagram. I am praying we will all grow closer to Jesus, and make our relationship with him a priority in our lives. I want to fight back against complacency and strive for a passionate relationship with the creator of the universe. My favorite bible verses at the moment is Romans 8:28-30. When I start believing the lie that I am not qualified to be used by God, I can read this and be reminded that God has not forgotten me. Rather, he is working everything together for my good, and when he calls me to something he is going to give me the tools to accomplish that calling.

“28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified”


Erika Carder

Leadership Team

Hey y’all! I’m Erika, one of the leaders for Lavish, and I’m excited that you are on this site!  I’m 25 years old, married to a good ‘ole, smokin’ hot , amazing, Chick-fil-A guy named Dylan! I have a dog-child named Cooper (or snootie muffin pie, as I like to squeal at him) and I work as a full time special education teacher at a school for student with autism! I am also a very part-time social media director at three Chick-fil-A’s in Peachtree City! Like many of the other girls on our leadership team, my family plays a major role in my life. I have two sisters who I adore named Ellie (18) and Emma (16). I have one of the kindest and wisest men on the planet who I get to call Dad, Darryl (or DOO-RELL as my family teases him).

My most favorite passion in life is knowing Jesus and connecting with others who are following him in all walks of life. I love to learn people’s stories of how Jesus is using businesses, careers, and relationships to magnify himself. I seek out to know people, especially women, who are being used as a force in the kingdom of God! I love sitting at the feet of ladies who have gone before me and learning how to handle situations in a God-honoring way in my life by drawing wisdom from older ladies.

I also enjoy deep-conversations with my friends about spiritual matters. I could sit in a coffee shop or Mellow Mushroom for 4+ hours talking about Jesus with ladies! Other things I enjoy in life are cleaning (weird- I know), fashion/lifestyle, photography, web design, and being outside- preferably with Dylan and Snootie Muffin!

I am expectant of all the Lord is going to do in our time together with Lavish. I am excited for all that will unfold through the ladies who speak, the book we will read, and the relationships we will build!


Rachel Milan

Leadership Team

Hey! My name is Rachel! I love reading (like LOVE reading), being outdoors and anything that has to do with coffee. I am currently learning all about leadership at Chick-fil-A and will be going to Lee University in the fall to pursue a degree in ministry leadership! I am so excited about this bible study and can't wait to see how the Lord is going to work in all of our hearts!


Victoria Walburn

Leadership Team

Hey there! My name is Victoria Walburn. The Lord has led my husband (Cody) and I to pursue a future with Chick-fil-A. For this reason, we packed up our belongings and moved to Georgia in June…a state I literally dreamed of living in from middle school on, but never thought would actually happen! Our God is so purposeful in that way; He places desires in our hearts, even seemingly insignificant ones, and delights in our happiness when He brings them to fruition! I love to dwell in the presence of my Heavenly Father, reveling in the fact that, though a weak and wounded sinner, undeserving of even a drop of grace, my God knows my name and desires to walk closely beside me, His daughter. 
I pray Psalm 16:8 is true of my life… “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” I am excited to journey deeper into God’s love through this study! I’m ready to be challenged, convicted, and eternally changed! And I’m so excited you’ve decided to be a part of this! Walking towards Christ with a group of strong, beautiful women is such a lovely place to be!


Allison Clark

Leadership Team

Hi! My name is Allison Clark. I am 19 years old and a junior in college at Clayton State University, studying Management and Marketing.
I have worked at Chickfila for 3 years. My favorite parts about working there have been connecting with the people, and learning from the fellow leaders.
I have a passion for music (especially singing & playing violin and piano). Some other personal interests include traveling, hiking, chatting with friends over a good cup of coffee, camping, exploring new places and cultures, and anything that gives me a good adrenaline rush ;) (roller coasters, cliff jumping, scary movies, etc.)
I absolutely love meeting new people and hearing their stories, so I’m super excited to see what the Lord has planned this year with Lavish. One of my favorite things is to connect with brothers and sisters in Christ on a deep level through worship, scripture studies, and good one-on-one talks; so I can’t wait to watch as the Lord brings us all closer together in Him this year!

Home: Meet The Team


The Roots

"Oh what steadfast love the Father has lavished on us that we might be called his daughters!"

- 1 John 3:1  

I remember the first time I read this verse and processed the actual meaning of "steadfast", "love", "lavished", and "daughters" within the context of scripture and on the basis of what God actually means when he uses these intricate and powerful words! I was filled with tears realizing how much the King of Kings loves me, but also just how much he LOVES all his daughters and his daughters to be!

My prayer is that as you read the blog posts here on this sight, you will see just how loved you are by the King of Kings and how purposeful he is in all he does to draw us to himself so that we may be the light of the Earth used to bring others to the saving knowledge of knowing Jesus as their Savior. I hope that ladies feel freedom in writing and knowing that they are being heard. I pray that this is a place to process all God is teaching us. I pray that others find this site and are encouraged at what God is doing in our midst. I pray that the ladies who write here are excited in knowing that God is using their experiences to reach others. May we all experience the impossible that comes with knowing Jesus as our Savior. May our team here be purposeful and not wasted.

I'm excited to see Jesus use the platform of Chick-fil-A to draw his daughters to himself and to experience the fullness of life in knowing him. I'm excited to be part of this journey!

Be encouraged friends and sisters. You are LOVED.

-Erika Carder

Chick-fil-A PTC Midtown Ladies
Ellie James
Rachel, Julia, & Megan
Kristen | Blume Organics Boutique & Cafe
Steadfast | Lauren Mitchell
The Grove | Passion City Church
Dressember 2017
Megan, Karson, & Rachel
Love Atlanta | Passion City Church
Megan & Maddie
Atlanta | Georgia
A Love That Conquers | Lauren Mitchell
Shari, Rachel, Alexis, & Allison
Steadfast | Lauren Mitchell
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